netcup Data Centers

netcup data centers

The infrastructure of netcup GmbH in Europe is located in Nuremberg (Germany) and Vienna (Austria) and is connected to the Anexia Backbone Europe. Additionally, netcup has infrastructure on the East Coast of the USA in Manassas, Virginia.

Below you will find some of the features that distinguish our data centers.


Redundant, uninterruptible power supply

The data centers have a redundant power supply, each supported by a UPS and a diesel generator. Within the data centers, redundancy continues to the individual servers. Each rack is equipped with two independent power rails, each of which is supplied with 3 * 16 amps.

Redundant, uninterruptible network connection

netcup GmbH is a direct member of RIPE, the allocation body in Europe for IP addresses. The data centers are connected to various nodes of the Internet, such as DE-CIX, VIX, N-IX or AMS-IX, with multiple redundancy through integration into the Anexia Backbone Europe. Further details can be found on our network and hardware page.

Each data center is equipped with independent network cabinets, which are widely separated from each other. The network cabinets each contain a router (manufacturer Juniper) and the core switches. From these, each ToR (top-of-rack) switch is connected to the network. This ensures very good reliability.



Redundant, uninterruptible air conditioning

Several air-conditioning units per data center share the task of keeping all devices sufficiently cool. Even if one air conditioning unit fails, this does not compromise the whole cooling. Each air conditioner is connected to the redundant uninterruptible power supply.

The cooled air is selectively supplied to the servers below the floor via a "hot-cold aisle" concept.

24/7 h video surveillance

In addition to mechanical access control, the data centers are also monitored 24h/7 by video. Any small movement triggers a notification to a security company. Should someone gain unauthorized access to the data center, security personnel will be on site within minutes.



Stable, extra-deep and air-permeable racks

To achieve good air circulation and easy cable routing, we use extra-deep racks (120 cm), perforated doors and specially attached cable routing rails. Each rack has an approved load capacity of 1.5 tons.

Modern cable routing

In the data centers, all cables are routed via two systems. To avoid induction from high voltage in the network cables and to maintain good order, they are routed above the racks. The power supply cables are routed under the raised floor. Each cable routing is mapped in an EDP program. In the event of malfunctions, this concept allows a particularly fast and effective response.



Fire alarm system, targeted extinguishing

Smoke detectors in the raised floor and in the air conditioning units can detect fires as early as possible and will trigger an alarm. The local fire department is familiar with the location and can extinguish fires in a targeted manner without causing further major damage from the extinguishing agent.

Replacement hardware on site

Of all systems operated by netcup, at least one piece spare hardware is located in a warehouse on site. This means that any hardware failures can be replaced as quick as possible.

If you require individual systems, you can ask netcup to store replacement hardware for this purpose.



On-site personnel

On-site personnel are available to handle tasks within the data centers.

Availability at least 99.6% on annual average

netcup guarantees a minimum availability of 99.6% as an annual average on all offered products and services. If you need even higher availability, netcup will be happy to make you a special offer. Through the data centers presented here, netcup enables you to have a very high availability.
