Our Domain Services

Customers who purchase a web hosting package, a root server system or a managed root server/managed dedicated server from us can add additional domains to their order at particularly attractive rates. Our domain services are listed below.

As an accredited registrar, netcup can register .eu domains directly at the source and offer first-class support for .eu domain queries.

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Check if your domain still available:

generic TLDs Info Price
Domain .bizInfo32.16 Euro per year
Domain .catInfo51.72 Euro per year
Domain .comInfo14.76 Euro per year
Domain .infoInfo36.60 Euro per year
Domain .mobiInfo49.44 Euro per year
Domain .nameInfo14.04 Euro per year
Domain .netInfo25.32 Euro per year
Domain .orgInfo18.00 Euro per year
Domain .proInfo15.60 Euro per year
Domain .telInfo17.16 Euro per year
Domain .travelInfo220.20 Euro per year
Domain .xxxInfo143.52 Euro per year

We handle over 450 top-level domains. If the top-level domain you want isn't listed, please contact our Support they will clarify whether we can offer your chosen domain extension.

Domain Transfer
You can move your domains to netcup from another provider (domain transfer). All domain transfers are free-of-charge (unless details of fees are given in the TLD product description). More information