SSL Certificates

We offer you
  • a wide choice of CAs
  • issue possible in under 15 minutes
  • domain- and organisation-validated certificates
  • SSL certificates with Extended Validation
  • wildcard certificates

A SSL certificate guarantees that the data communications offered to your website visitors are verified as secure. This creates trust among your visitors while also ensuring that their data does not end up in the wrong hands. At netcup, we can offer you a wide choice of certificate types.

SSL certificates can be characterised by a number of attributes, including browser acceptance, the type of validation used and the number of domains that a single certificate can protect. In general, the following rule of thumb applies: lower certificate prices go hand-in-hand with less available time for the validation process. Issuing is rapid for certificates with overly simplistic validation but the certificates are often insecure. Accordingly, these certificates are not accepted by every browser. Browsers used by mobile devices (e.g. iPad, iPhone, Android devices, etc.) will frequently show a warning when accessing a website with an insecure certificate.

SSL Certificate Illustration 1

SSL Certificate Illustration 2

Domain validation is the simplest method of issuing an SSL certificate. With this type of validation, the CA (certificate authority) sends an activation link to the email address held exclusively by the owner of the domain in question (e.g. webmaster@domainname-tld). The owner of the domain can then agree to the issuing of a certificate by using the activation link.

A considerably more secure option is organisation validation. Here, the CA verifies the existence of the certificate owner. This certificate therefore confirms the identity of your company - not merely the validity of your domain. Your customers can click on the seal or lock shown in their browser to check that they have not been the victims of a phishing scam.

Extended validation is currently the most secure type of validation offered. Such certificates are issued by the CA only after conducting stringent background checks. By clicking on the seal or lock symbol users are able to see your company name. EV-based certificates create even more trust and security for your website visitors. These certificates are used by businesses such as banks that require the transfer of highly confidential information.