Domain Policies

If you ask us to register domains, the registration policy of the relevant Internet registry applies as well as our T&Cs. Unless otherwise specified, the registration of a domain results in the conclusion of a contract between the domain owner and the responsible Internet registry.

As a member of EURid we provide you the best consultation about registration and transfer of domains.

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This page presents you with an overview of the most important aspects of the policies issued by a number of Internet registries. Since these policies may change at any time, we have provided direct links to the website of the relevant registry. We also give details of special rules that may apply in the case of specific TLDs.

TLD Registry Policies / Conditions Characteristics
at Registry Policy Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
biz ICANN Rights and Responsibilities
Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Restore fees: 120.00€ (incl. VAT).
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
com ICANN Rights and Responsibilities
Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Restore fees: 120.00€ (incl. VAT).
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
de Denic eG DENIC Domain Guidelines
DENIC Domain Terms and Conditions
Local contact necessary.
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
eu Eurid Registration Policy EU contact necessary.
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
info ICANN Rights and Responsibilities
Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Restore fees: 120.00€ (incl. VAT).
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price liste.
it Rights and Responsibilities Information about tax ID necessary.
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
name ICANN Rights and Responsibilities
Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Restore fees: 120.00€ (incl. VAT).
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
net ICANN Rights and Responsibilities
Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Restore fees: 120.00€ (incl. VAT).
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
org ICANN Rights and Responsibilities
Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Restore fees: 120.00€ (incl. VAT).
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.
pro ICANN User Terms Only for self-employed persons and doctors (see user terms).
Renewal fees: annual fee according to price list.

Important information
You find more information at the respective registry. Please prove the conditions of registry before ordering.